Weekly outline

  • Online Course Folder

    Information taken from the course information sheet

  • Latest News Views & Jobs

    Keep an eye on this space as each week we will use it to share an item of news you may have come across that relates to food hygiene and safety.

    If you want to write something, share a view or provide something inspired by the course, then submit it to me and if it is suitable I will add it here for all to see!

    Finally, I will add any information I come across relating to jobs where a basic food hygiene qualification would be of use!

    So, let's get sharing!


    • Thank you to Shara for drawing attention to the FREE online food safety training that is available through the Food Standards Agency website. Of particular interest might be the allergens training, which is something we discussed in some detail last week. Take a look!

    • Alternative Foods London recalls OGGS Zesty Lemon Cake because of undeclared soya

    • Thanks to Shara for providing this news story about a café that has been prosecuted for failing to follow food hygiene and safety regulations. 

      Keep an eye out for any other interesting stories you might come across and we can share them here and discuss them in class.

    • Interesting job opportunity as an Online Customer Service Associate for someone with a passion for food! Take a look!

    • A fascinating opportunity to maybe launch your own food catering business. It's all  happened since the start of the pandemic too!

  • Week 1

    Level 1
    Basic Food Hygiene

    • Hi there and welcome to your Basic Food Hygiene course with Islington ACL. I'm delighted that you have chosen to study this really important qualification with us and I am certain you are going to enjoy every minute!

      Each week will have a particular theme when we will focus on different aspects of what it means to work in a professional kitchen and the high standards of hygiene that must be followed.

      Even though the focus will be on what we must do in a professional kitchen, you will also find the course very useful for ensuring you keep your family and friends safe when eating food you have prepared at home!

      Have you washed your hands? You have? Good! Then let's get started...

    • Here are the  PowerPoint Slides for Session 1

    • Don't panic! This is not homework like you remember it. This is all linked to the things we have talked about in class. If there is anything you are not sure of, that's ok. Just text me or email me and we will clear it up! OK? Good.

    • Hopefully you won't find this TV Commercial too distasteful, but it certainly packs a strong smelling punch!

    • The Food Standards Agency website is packed full of interesting and really useful information about every aspect of food hygiene. There is guidance for consumers and businesses and there are up to date alerts for food product recalls and allergy notices. There are also some really excellent short videos about different aspects of food hygiene in a professional kitchen. This is a must go to website!

  • Tutor Course Folder