We hope that you enjoy your learning with us. However, if at any time you are unhappy with the service provided, you can follow these procedures:

1. Initially, please discuss any issues you may be experiencing with your tutor. They may be able to clarify or solve the problem quickly and will welcome your feedback.

2. If you are still unhappy, you can make a formal complaint to the Quality Manager: David Coleman – Adult Community Learning, 222 Upper Street, London N1 2UD.   Tel: 020 7527 3343 / 07525387549  Email: david.coleman@islington.gov.uk

3. The Tutor/Centre Staff will log your complaint and try to resolve your concern or pass it on, with your approval, to the Quality Manager to investigate. You will also receive an acknowledgment of your complaint within 3 working days and a full written reply within 10 working days in accordance with Islington Council Procedures.

4. If you believe your complaint has still not been dealt with properly you can make a formal complaint to - The Central Complaints Unit, Town Hall, Upper St, London, N1 2UD.  Tel: 020 7527 3007.  Email: central.complaints@islington.gov.uk www.islington.gov.uk/complaints

We also welcome your thoughts and feedback on the POSITIVE experiences you have had learning with us. Please tell us!