Your swatches should be at least 15cm square and include a range of fabrics, for your folder you will need 6 showing different ideas and elements, for instance:
Hand and machine embroidery combining a range of fabrics, use glue if you like
Raised areas can be made by padding with other fabric or cottonwool
Transparent: lace, gauze, plastic, can be used as overlays
Think about accent colours, or the opposite tones and hues of one colour, hot and cold colours
Pleating, gathering and folding can add texture
Add beads, sequins, bows, buttons and roses if and where you like
Paint and or draw with felt pens
Cut letters from fabric if you want to add words
You don't have to use all of these and can try anything but do keep them simple and enjoy. I suggest you work all 6 at once, they don't have to be perfect, interesting and fun is good. If anything goes wrong or doesn't work just stitch something over it.
Use your markmaking, visual texture and colour experiments as inspiration or even incorporate them if you like, you can machine stitch paper!
Have a look at the attached examples they may help.
Make some notes on what you used, did, any Health & Safety considerations and how you feel about the results and submit them with photos in a pdf.
- 2 September 2021, 3:51 PM
- 2 September 2021, 3:51 PM
- 2 September 2021, 3:51 PM