Weekly outline

  • Learner Induction

  • Tutor Folder

    This section contains all teaching resources for the course and is only available to tutors and staff. Learners do not have access to this section.

  • Preparing to work wth Children in Schools

    A course for parents wishing to support children in schools and provide the skills necessary to become an effective listener

      This course offers practical activities which give adult learners a flavour of the key aspects of Primary school education.

      It is a first step  for adults returning to study and hoping to go on to look for work or  volunteering experience in a school setting

      It includes developing skills for listening to children as well as skills to boost confidence and self esteem.

    This course is accredited at Level 1  LOCN

    Listen to the video

    • Developing Skills in Listening to Children Assessment Criteria

      Level 1 OCN  HJ2/1/LQ/001

      The log is a record of the learning outcomes you will be completing on the course

      When you submit your work online there is a statement in-bedded in  Moodle where you will have to verify the evidence that you are submitting is your own unaided work.  

      Your evidence will be assessed by your tutor and any actions set will have to be completed before signed off as 100% by the assessor

  • Week 8: Equality, Diversity & Special Needs

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the session you will be able to

    • Give a clear definition of equality
    • Recognise  equality issues in society and its effect on people’s lives
    • Identify  SEND  support in school
    • Clarify presentation issues for next week


  • Week 7 Practicing Maths skills

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the session you will be able to

    •          Recognise the use of numeracy in everyday life

    •          Develop skills on how to support children’s numeracy skills

    Some resource:

    • Key Words Numeracy - Basic Skills Agency (Skills for Life Network)
    • Maths for Mums and Dads -Rob Easrway and Mike Askew
    • CGP Key stage one/two  Maths The Study Book

  • Week 6 : Managing Children's Behaviour

    Learning Outcomes

     By the end of the session you will be able to:

    •  Describe  why some children misbehave
    •  Identify positive strategies in managing behaviour
    •  Give responses that acknowledge children's feelings
    • Prepare for group presentation

  • Week 5: Responding with Empathy & Supporting Literacy

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the session you will be able to

    • Respond with empathy in given situations
    • Identify how children learn to read  -phonics
    • Demonstrate how you learnt to read
    • Recognise how to support  children’s literacy skills in the classroom -practical

  • Half term no class

  • Week 4: Oct 19th Emotional Development & Roles within the school

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of the session you will be able to

    •        Identify the difference between open and closed questions
    •     Recognise how to respond to children's feelings and needs
    •        Who does what in the school -staff roles and responsibilities 

  • Session 3 Oct 12th National Curriculum & Early Years Curriculum

  • Session 2 Oct 5th The Role of a Teaching Assisitant


    By the end of the session you will be able to:

              Recognise the value of listening to children

              Identify various types of schools

              Explore the role of a volunteer helper or teaching assistant

              Describe your existing skills and qualities to become a volunteer

  • Session 1 Sept 28th Introduction to course

    Session Outcomes: 

    By the end of the session you will be able to:

           Identify what you want from the course

           Set ground rules for group working including   confidentiality

           Discuss aim of  ACL

           Explore routes to employment in schools

           Discuss tasks for online learning on Moodle- H& S, ILP, Profile

  • Week 9: Next Steps and Presentation

    Learning Outcomes 

    By the end of the session you will be able to

    •     Identity next steps in learning
    •     Present topic for speaking and listening or carry out peer assessment of a presentation

    • Well Done Everyone

      Please complete the final ILP on the Moodle below - END OF COURSE and


      Good Luck with your future studies

      Best Wishes
